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Hotel Deep Cleaning
& Housekeeping

Deep Cleaning is an important service for every hotel manager and property manager to consider as a part of a scheduled maintenance program. In our experience in working with hotels and even student residences across Ontario the major challenge in deep cleaning is dealing with the  short turnaround times for rooms to be thoroughly cleaned.


At Nobility we specialize delivering rapid turnarounds with our deep cleaning services with the supervision and management to provide high quality results. We start by providing a full scope of work of all the rooms to be cleaned and duties to be performed. These tasks include: carpet steam cleaning, VCT stripping & waxing, grout steaming, along with an in-depth cleaning of the overall room from corner to corner.


Our staff are professionally trained cleaners who work diligently and effectively to consistently meet expectations and standard of care. Furthermore we meticulously track the progress of the cleaning with our employee tracking software so that we have a clear line of communication between our customers, employees and management.


If you are considering to implement a deep cleaning program for a hotel or multi resident facility free to contact us for consulting or estimate, we would be happy to assist you.

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